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Chinese translation for "strait of hormuz"


Related Translations:
hormuz petroleum co:  霍尔木兹石油公司
strait eyelashes:  笔直的睫毛
qiongzhou strait:  和琼州海峡琼州海峡
sunda strait:  (Sumatra 岛与 Java 岛间的)异他海峡。
straits trading:  海峡商行
torres strait:  托雷海峡托雷斯海峡托列斯海峡
dampier strait:  丹皮尔海峡
menai strait:  麦奈海峡
lombok strait:  龙目海峡
bass strait:  巴斯海峡
Example Sentences:
1.Strait of hormuz
2." revolutionary guard naval forces a few minutes ago test fired a powerful torpedo in the strait of hormuz
3.Iran borders the strait of hormuz , conduit for roughly two - fifths of all globally traded oil
4.Blocking the straits of hormuz would be one military option for iran if the dispute over its nuclear programme were to escalate
5.But threats to close the strait of hormuz , through which roughly a quarter of the world ' s oil supplies passes , send shivers through oil markets
6.Iran ' s announcement that it had tested a new torpedo in war games in the strait of hormuz yesterday pushed international oil prices to their highest levels since hurricane katrina
7.If the nuclear dispute with iran were to escalate so that , say , the straits of hormuz were blocked and crude jumped to $ 100 a barrel , investor confidence would take a hit
8.Iran could fire hundreds of missiles at israel , attack american forces in iraq and afghanistan , organise terrorist attacks in the west or choke off tanker traffic through the strait of hormuz , the world ' s oil windpipe
9.We are working closely with other nations to prevent further attacks . america and coalition countries have uncovered and stopped terrorist conspiracies targeting the american embassy in yemen , the american embassy in singapore , a saudi military base , ships in the straits of hormuz and the straits the gibraltar
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